To receive the login bonus, you must verify your phone number.
The login bonuses will be reset every day at midnight (JST).
If you have already logged in once that day, you cannot receive a new bonus until midnight the next day.
GiGO ONLINE CRANE is an online crane game service that can be played using a computer or smartphone. You can play remotely with real UFO catchers in real-time!
You can win the prizes you want anywhere and at any time using the online crane game, GiGO ONLINE CRANE!
The UFO catchers feature products from registered trademarks owned by Sega Group or other associated companies.
To enjoy more services from GENDA, we have changed the login method to use "GENDA ID" account. Please migrate to GENDA ID by clicking the "Migrate" button below.
※ Customers who are already using GENDA ID can also migrate by clicking the "Migrate" button below.
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