All writing is in accordance with the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions.

Business Name GENDA GiGO Entertainment Inc.
Address Higashishinbashi 1-9-1, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-7317, JAPAN
Person in Charge CEO: Kazuhiro Ninomiya
Sales Price SP: The price listed on the SP's purchase page.
Services that can be used with SP: The price displayed on the service purchase page.
The prices include consumption tax.
Incidental costs other than selling price and shipping fees Expenses incurred by our company for the equipment used to offer our services.
Any fees incurred through the use of the Internet, such as connection fees, data usage fees, phone connection fees, etc., will be the responsibility of the customer.
Please read the "About Prize Shipping" page to learn about the prize shipping fees.
Payment period and method The payment method chosen by the customer will follow the terms of use offered by the payment platform or credit card company.
Delivery period After the purchase has been completed, the item will be delivered or the service offered promptly.
Please read the "About Prize Shipping" page to learn about when your prize will be shipped.
Recommended environment for using this service Please look at the compatible device list.
Contract on Returns Due to the special characteristics of this service, we will not make any refunds except in the case when we are obligated to by law.
Please understand that you cannot withdraw or cancel the purchase of any SP or service using SP.
Our responsibilities in the case of defects We cannot guarantee the perfection, accuracy, or usefulness of our service.
Our responsibility is limited to what is listed in Article 16 of the GiGO ONLINE CRANE Terms of Use, including in cases when the customer has incurred damage due to defects.
In the case of the prize having defects, please refer to Article 6 Clause 6 of the GiGO ONLINE CRANE Terms of Use.
Limited numbers of products There may be times where we decide to place a maximum limit on the purchase of SP. If that happens, it will be displayed on the SP purchase page.
Inquiry TEL : (+81)0120-780-175
E-mail :